Friday, May 23, 2008

Samsung’s New Strategy under New Regime

It is always worth to watch closely the ever-developing Samsung that strives to become one of the prestigious firms in the world. Lee Yoon Woo, the newly inaugurated chief executive officer of Samsung Electronics Corp, said that they would try harder to become one of the leading companies in the world in the field of global electronics, and came up with a “creative management” strategy. He continued saying that until now, they have focused on speed and efficiency, but they would keep those as a basic principle and go further and expand more by using the “creative management” strategy. He also said that in order to put this into action, they would have to hire many intelligent personnel, focus on technology and the current market situation. CEO Lee especially stressed that through technology, they would expand the discovery of new skills and highly place the firm. He said he would unearth in the field of solution, new IT device, energy environment, bio-health.
His message conveys that he would enhance the previous skills more and adopt the new skills that have great potential. Also, by focusing on the current market, the customer’s value would be newly introduced and secure the place to get to the top.
It is likely in the future that many sections would somehow merge or split. Many developed countries use new products and business to lead in the current market. I hope that Samsung would also have a new engine to lead in the way in amazing management.

Source :Lee Sun-young, Samsung chief stresses 'tech management', Koreaherald, Lee Sun-young, may 22 2008.

Student # 20300489 Entry_11

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