Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The iPhone 3G Unveiled

Introducing New features
Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Co. introduced the iPhone 3G. The iPhone 3G will sell for $199 for and 8GB version and $299 for a 16GB version. This is half prices of iPhone 2G which were introduced a year ago. Apple's chief operating officer Tim Cook is expected that the people who has wanted to buy iPhone 2G but they couldn't because of price will buy iPhone 3G.
The new phone is armed with lots of new features. First of all, it downloads Web pages as much as 36% faster than comparable phones from Nokia and Palm. Second, it lets users know their location using GPS satellites. Third, there is the MobileMe which allows to use Mac web service and Macintosh computers.

To create this iPhone 3G, Apple cooperate with several companies. First, they cooperated with AT&T to provide the wireless service. With AT&T's subsiding, the price can be half. Second, they provide to use Microsoft's office. Third, The iPhone 3G can use Google's online photo albums. Finally, new applications include an auction program from eBay, a series of game from Sega and Pangea Software, a friend locator from wireless startup Loopt, and a pair of medical programs from Modality.

There were 3G wireless phones in the market already. It is not easy to enter when a product is not the first product in a market. To enter the market, Apple Co. uses their innovative images. They try to put new features in the iPhone 3G to differentiate with others. To use new features, they cooperated with other companies, even Microsoft which is competitor in PC industry. Even though there are not many new features in iPhone 3G for me, I would like to use the phone because of Apple's image. It seems different with other phones and looks fun to use it.
Source: Arik Hesseldahl, The iPhone 3G Unveiled, BusinessWeek, June 9, 2008
Student#: 20400152 - Entry 14

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