Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hyundai-Kia Steps Up Marketing Activities

Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the largest automobile maker in South Korea, is aiming to expand its’ global image. The group has already set up many factories across the world. The factories are in China, the United States and Europe. Although they have many factories to manufacture cars and sell directly at the place where they are produced, the group had to endure having an image of selling “cheap ones.” In order to come out from such image, the group has taken an initiative to prevail its image in the world stage by sports marketing and various other sponsorships. The group will sponsor the upcoming Euro 2008 which kicks off in June. Euro is a soccer championship in Europe where countries in Europe compete each other to gain the trophy. It is predicted that the through Euro 2008, Hyundai and Kia will be widely known not only in Europe but in the world. The group had already sold 1.22 million in Europe itself. In America, Hyundai put out an advertisement at the Super Bowl which has helped to increase 45 percent in net brand for the luxury car “Genesis.” Both Hyundai and Kia have put out “Genesis” and “Mohave” respectively to compete with two most famous luxury brands, Audi and Lexus, in America. I believe that Hyundai-Kia Automotive group has put out an outstanding strategy to expand its’ image in the stage of globalization. Especially I like their marketing idea where they sponsor sports events. Samsung Electronics had already made a huge profit by sponsoring Chelsea FC, a London-based soccer club. Soccer is the most famous sports in the world and by sponsoring an event that people most enjoy to watch after World Cup, Hyundai-Kia will surely input their brand into people’s minds and have a strong influence. By continually seeking strategies to upgrade its’ image, especially through sponsorships, I strongly believe that the group will not only increase in image-making, but also in selling cars, installing its’ luxury brand to many people worldwide

Source: The Korea Times (Tuesday, March 18, 2008), Page 10.

Student ID#: 20400542 - Entry 2

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