Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to Pitch Anything in Two Minutes.

The most important part in marketing is how to communicate with consumers. The communication coach Carmine Gallo gave 5 simple tips to sell products, services or even yourself. He bought a toaster from a chef and he already had a toaster at home. He drawn toward chef's communication skills. As I read this article, I thought about these people on the subway selling music CDs, pens, books, and even toys for children. Their merit is only one that is cheap. However, I never wanted to buy one. I did not even pay attention on what they are selling. I wish they could learn these 5 tips on communicating.

Demonstrate Enthusiasm.
First one is demonstrate enthusiasm. The consumers easily know how confident they have on their products and the consumers might interest on the products. It is very important to have fun and excitement with the products.

Find a Personal Connection.
Second one is find a personal connection. The chef did not start to give information. He started with his childhood stories relate with the product. Remember that people want to like the person behind the product. I think like this, the business (beyond the marketing) is toward humans.

Sell the Benefits.
Third one is sell the benefits. Instead of demonstrating features, explain the benefits to have the products. For example, good appears, safe designs, or premium life style. I just learned that consumers do not buy a product because they need it. They buy them to have premium lif style like a cup of Startbucks coffee.

Tell Stories.
Fourth one is tell stories. There is a IT manager selling security technology by telling stories. He starts a pitch saying, "Imagine walking into work Monday morning to find that your computers had been stolen…" This simple story can have a different result.

Teach Something New.
Last is teach something new. The chef taught about a nesting trend and how the toaster fit into it. He said the toaster saves energy, come in colors other than white, offer more functions, and easy to clean.

These all techniques take under two minutes but the effects are huge. I think the product itself is also important but how the message delivers to consumers is more important.

Source: BusinessWeek_ March 14, 2008, 1:18PM EST
By Carmine Gallo

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