Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Best Companies to Work For: GOOGLE

Best Companies to Work For: GOOGLE
The Fortune magazine has released the list 'the best companies to work for' and the first place is Google. CNN interviewed several employees of Google and the employees said many good things about Google. For example, Google had started up their head court in a garage but now Google became the largest search engine company. They have more than 50 offices around the world and 12,000 employees are working. Google was selected for the second straight year Fortune's #1 best company to work for. The employees found several reasons why Google is the best company to work for. The reasons are flexibility, financial security, and any opportunity to get things done. They are allowed to work on their projects which they chose and spend 20% of their work hour in 1 day of a week. They were encouraged to seize to pursue opportunities.

Companies are trying to enhance their value or their brands in any method. One of the best methods is using the press. Using the press is easy to reach and communicate to the public. The Google is not only good company to work for, but they also did a good job on communicating with public. Google probably tried hard let to Fortune magazine know about their values. The CEO of Google also probably encouraged their employees to interview with Fortune or CNN and tried let public know more good things about Google. By using the press, they could get the best people who work for. The best people are the best sources for Google because Google is an intellectual company. People will use Google more because most people want to use the best product. Google will take more market share by these reasons.

Source: Fortune Magazine
Student #: 20400152 - Entry 2

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