Friday, March 21, 2008

Win-Win or Lose-Lose

Marketing is very hard if you have impatience what showing the something short time. Moreover if you entry initialize market, you must make efforts for higher comparative advantage as not necessarily quality technique is essential element but differential marketing strategy is important. In this way, sports marketing that is appeal to audience who has potentiality customer’s eyes. Because of this, the importance of sports marketing, using sports which can attract customer's eyes, let them get interested easily and make them participate, is increasing. The Face Shop, a cosmetics brand, has signed a contract to support Min Keun Cho, who is an upcoming pro-golfer. This is the most basic strategy in sports marketing, aiming to do some advertising when the athlete participates in a game wearing hats, T-shirts, bags which have the supporting organization's logo. To the athlete it is a monetary help, letting his name be known by borrowing a famous company's name. The supporting organization also does not support athletes for no reason at all, as it's aim is to make profits. By estimating the potentials of an athlete and by projecting how he improves to the reliablity and friendliness of the company, making a tool to create unseen values. This is a win-win strategy which can be unseen at the very moment, but is possible to create long term values when both sides motivate each other, do their best in what they are supposed to do, carry out sincerely the contract called partnership, and expand enough potentials. Even the aim is to advertise products and to increase brand image, There are a cautions to be take however, as the one who is getting the support can have a bad influence on the image of the company from his/her use of drugs, sexual crimes, immoral acts and/or creating public trouble, and also this can create bad influence to the reputation that he/she who gets supported has built, from not having specific personality analysis up front. For example, an advertisement from a loan company is hard to get good social response from a case and if the company keeps on going chasing after money, it can be responsible for moral issues. Therefore, cautions should be take for these types of marketings as a win-win strategy can change to a loss-loss strategy.
Student # 20300489 - Entry2

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