Monday, March 24, 2008

LG CNS Sets Up IPTV for Hospital Beds

IPTV "U-bed"
Imagine ordering meals in the hospital bed and an individual TV. This is not a dream anymore. LG CNS developed Internet Protocol TV called "U-bed.” This system introduced to 150 patients at Kyunghee University Medical Center on Monday. They do not have to fight over the channels because it is a personal TV like on seat flight TV screens on international planes. The 15 inch screen is attached to each bed and it has over 60 free cable and terrestrial channels or patients can watch pay per view movies. This is not the end. They will have patients to select menus for the meal by touching the screen and even online shopping on July. The firm’s spokeswoman Nari Lee said their plan is install more screens at Kyunghee Medical Center this year and sell this system to other hospitals. LG accomplished many medical technology services like providing a medical network system for Yonsei University Hospital last year. It considered as one of the most advanced in the world.

This is one of B2B (business to business) because LG is selling a system to hospitals. They launched the good manufacture. I think this system is able to success because the market is huge. They can also sell it to many other countries. It can be as globalization. The hospitals which set up the "U-bed” system also have benefits because they can use this system as a tool to publicity to patients. If I am a patient, I love to go to the hospital with personal screen rather than 5 to 6 people with one TV. I think they have positive conditions and now how they express the system to customers will make differences.

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