Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How to Reenergize Starbucks

Over the past several years, Starbucks, one of the most famous coffee chain shops, has been languishing. Their revenues have declined, and the opening rate around the world of its chain shop has gone down, where it was 5 per day before, but now it’s 3 per day. In order to regain its previous image as a luxury coffee shop where they sell typically unique and delicious coffee and offer the best customer service, ranging from free internet access at shops to luxurious walls and furniture that makes the shop the best place to have a cup of coffee, the Chairman of Schultz is back as an incumbent. Many observers and specialists assert that Starbucks has gone too much focusing only on making profits and selling coffees. And to be back to the top of the coffee business, Starbucks has to focus on the quality of the coffee that they are serving and actively take part in community and social services where the shops are located at. It has to attract customers not only by their luxurious image, but also by serving the best coffee in the region, if not, in the world. Also, it has to actively help out local communities in doing social works. This way, it can gain a good image from the local people.
I agree with what the observers had said. I think that Starbucks has only stayed at the same position for several years after their dominance in the coffee industry. It has only focused on making more profits and expanding its shops. It can do that in order to make more money, but if this persists, customers will be disappointed with its quality of the coffee and by the fact that no new or special menu has been unveiled. Starbucks has to try hard to invent, if not, improve the quality and taste of the coffee from that of current ones, and actively search what the current trend is. Moreover, each respective shop should contribute to a regional community services at the place where they are placed to give a good image to people. Also, it can take this chance to know how people think of its products and ask for opinions.

written by Matt Vell

Student ID#: 20400542 - Entry 3

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