Friday, March 28, 2008

Naming and Uniform Marketing

‘Naming marketing’ mentioned by Centenier is a sponsorship which the baseball team gives the titleship to the sponsor and get the support from. The word ‘sponsorship’ is often used because depending on the sponsor’s will the name of the team also changes. For example, after Hyundai team Unicorn is disbanded, the new team Heroes that participates as the eighth pro-baseball team gets the biggest supports from a company called ‘Woori Tobacco.’ Therefore, no matter who is the actual owner or the head of the team, the name of the team becomes ‘Woori Heroes’ so in that way if the sponsor company is changed, the name of the team also changes. There are similar cases in other countries but this is the first time that national baseball team tries the ‘naming marketing.’
The case which Manchester United from British Premium League, putting the name of the sponsor ‘AIG’ on their uniforms is ‘uniform sponsorship’, and is different from ‘team sponsorship.’ Although, companies in the United States originally are not permitted to advertise their uniforms much, they are sometimes allowed to do it if the government sees the advertisement has great economic affect internationally. Chinese beer company, YenJing, paying 6 million dollars to the NBA Huston Rockets which Yaoming, ‘the walking Great Wall,’ plays for, received a 6 year-permission of advertising uniforms of the team.
Huston Rockets allowed the attaching of the advertisement gladly not just because of attaching a beer advertisement, but because through Yao Ming hundreds of millions in China who watch NBA will increase. The number of countries that watch NBA by satellite is now 212.
Actually, the baseball club ‘Hanbang Swings’ in HGU, in which the writer participates, is operating with attachment of the IBK logo. IBK is not ‘team sponsor’ but is more of a ‘uniform sponsor’. The insufficiency of club operation fund is supplemented by this uniform sponsorship, and this at the same time raises team spirit and morale, showing good results in the Pohang community baseball league. Both sides will have to do their best in their responsibilities, as increasing unseen values of IBK, the sponsor, can be possible.
As both naming marketing(team sponsorship) and uniform sponsorship are commercial operations acting upon loss and gain strategy, acts based on mutual trust in necessary.
Student # 20300489 Entry3

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