Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Might Losing the biggest event

Boycott the Beijing Olympic

Olympic is one of the biggest events in the world. Because of this reason, all over the world will focus on the 2008 Beijing Olympic and there will be the keen competition among companies to promote their products and their brands. Many companies spent their huge amount of money to using Olympic. However, they might think once more whether they should promote their products and brands because of the Tibet event.
The Tibet event is that Chinese government suppressed the Tibetans by using military forces. This caused a question of human rights. Olympic is the symbols of peace. Therefore, the Tibet event is against the 2008 Beijing Olympic. Protesting of the Chinese government's oppressive measure is spreading all over the world and protestors tried to relate this event to the Olympic. The torch bearer was attacked by protesters in France and the Olympic frame went out twice during the running. Even many leaders, presidents or powerful persons in the world, boycotted to attend the opening ceremony.
If companies tried to promote their products and brands using the Olympic, they should take a big risk. They usually use the Olympic to inform their good image to people. However, since the image of Beijing Olympic is getting worse, they might find other events.
IOC (International Olympic Committee) already is talking about abolishing the torch bearers running event starting next Olympic. The torch bearers running event is one of event that crowd gather that good chance to promote for company. If the Beijing Olympic will be imaged as a violence Olympic, people will not focus on the Olympic anymore. I hope that the Tibet event will solve soon and well so that people watch T.V for the Olympic enjoyable.
Source: - YahooKorea
Student #: 20400152 Entry 5

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