Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Starbucks' Taste Test

Starbucks in Seattle has recently introduced a new brew called Pike Place Roast by offering to customers for free. In this video, many people tried the new coffee and came up with good comments. Some say that the Starbucks has showed their brand image really well, and even helped organic farmers and water wells and third world nations by introducing eco-friendly coffee. It was really trendy and met Settle’s needs with good flavor. Many people liked the idea of giving out for free, the promotion of its brand image and the taste. However, some made comments on the high price.
I think what the Starbucks in Seattle has done was a good way of marketing. Recently, Starbucks has lost its brand image mainly due to high price and banal menus. However, it has introduced a new brew of menu and gave out to the public for free to promote the new coffee. One firm can make a new product and advertise on TV or newspapers. But, giving out for free to the people and listen to their comments was a great idea of drawing people’s attention. Many people might have forgotten Starbucks and been reluctant to go into the shop and pay 3 dollars for a cup of coffee. But, by overtly introducing the new product in public for free of charge, it might have once again reiterated the good image brand that it had before to people’s minds and draw many more people than before to its shops. I think it really was a terrific idea.
Source: Businessweek Website
Student ID#: 20400542 - Entry #5

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