Wednesday, April 16, 2008

VVVIP Marketing 'Augusta Golf Club'

When people pay on either products or service, consumers is the one who choose them. Providers should try to get more customers in order to earn more money. These days, most providers try to provide better services to satisfy customers. However, there is a golf club that opposes common sense. The golf club has chosen customers rather than being chosen. They even not provide information to public but they earns much money. The golf club is Augusta golf club.

Augusta golf club
Augusta golf club is where Masters, one of four major PGA competitions, is opened. It is a private club where at Georgia, U.S. They only accept men and choose certain people. The standard of being the member is in secret. Even though you have money and political power, it is not possible to be the member of the golf club. Even Bill Clinton was refused to be the member by Augusta golf club. They do have one of best golf courses. To provide the best field, they close for 6 months to prepare for only the Masters. They limit the number of people who can enter to see the game. If regular people who are not rich or have not political power want to see the game, they need to buy the ticket with premium price. The official price of ticket is $175 but the premium price is above $3000.
Augusta Golf Club has pride over their golf course. With the pride they using a curiosity to give more value to themselves. They stimulate people's curiosity about who would be the rich and powerful people that use the club. They even limit the number of people who can enter per day. Therefore, just being the member or just entering the club makes people feel special. I think people are buying image rather than actual services.

Source: '세상을 애타게 하라 … ‘골프장 명품경영’', 중앙일보

Student #: 20400152 - Entry 6

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