Wednesday, April 16, 2008

KTF 'Show' Reaches 5 Million Mark

KTF is the second largest mobile company in Korea. KTF introduced third-generation (3G) mobile and the amount of customers using this phone increased. Now, more than 5 million people signed up for "Show" phone. The users of "Show" phone are rapidly growing over 14 months. CEO of KTF offered an event which presents a 5 million won mobile coupon to the 5 millionth subscriber. They are trying to keep up the good work to have 10 millionth subscriber. They are looking forward. The 3G mobile services became popular because it has WCDMA, which is Wideband Code Division Multiple Access. It might be less quality than older mobile services but provides fast data transmission like mobile Internet or video. Another advance is that it is easier to roaming. The customers are please to use these services and the company also has benefits by the services, because it charges extra fees. It is win-win strategy.

I think KTF's "Show" marketing is very successful. I remembered their first TV commercial, because it did not tell what it was and the audiences were keep watching, tried to figure out what it is. After most people found out it is a mobile brand and KTF used this strange but cute young girl for their model. Many 10s to20s including me used SK telecom because the image of KTF was old style. However, this young girl came up with weird dance introducing roaming in many countries. The consumer’s minds started moving to KTF and they gave many benefits that SK did not provide, such as discount in more places than SK. I also changed to KTF from SK because the phone bill is cheaper than SK and my sister is thinking to change. Now, KTF is expanding their target to the family. They are providing services like discount at E-mart and their models are married couples or a mother and a daughter. I think KTF will grow more with their brilliant ideas of marketing.

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