Thursday, May 1, 2008

Star Struck Ads Not Always Good

One-star/One brand
Hiring good image of entertainers is effective to build companies' good image. People recognize products' image same as entertainers' image many times. Therefore, in Korea a one-star/one-brand is already fundamental. When you watch TV commercials, you might see only few entertainers in several commercials. Jang Dong Kun, Kim Tae-hee, Jun Ji-hyun and Lee Young-ae are the people you can always see in the TV commercials. They advertise several products and use similar images to advertise the products. This gives advantages to the advertiser who uses same an entertainer later because if a product that an entertainer advertises has been succeeded, the late advertiser got more reliability that from the former advertise. The advertisers want to make sure that advertises are effective to consumers. Therefore, they use entertainers who are already proved their effectiveness to consumers. However, it cost a lot to hire the entertainers. Lee Hyo-lee charges around 700 million won a year. It also has a risk that if the entertainers have problems in their private life, the images of products or the brands that the entertainers advertised will be destructed. One more risk is that consumers sometimes got tired of watching entertainers too much.

I like to watch TV commercial and I admit that I have been effected by those. I know that products that do not have same quality as good images of entertainers, but I easily was shaken by the entertainers.
By the advertiser's perspective, I will not hire the proven entertainers. First of all, they are really expensive. With that money, I rather promote campaigns or events that consumers can remember in order to improve brands. Second, if a contract with the entertainers is finished, I have to pay more or need to find other entertainers. However, it is not easy to find similar image of former entertainers and there is risk that people might not like new entertainers that I hire. I would not take the risks.

Source: Star Struck Ads Not Always Good, The Koreatimes

Student #: 20400152 - Entry 8

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