Thursday, May 1, 2008

Nike, Nash Save the Environment by Talking Trash

NBA’s Phoenix Suns all-star guard Steve Nash has jointly produced a movie with Nike which has an environmental message to tell. The film is produced by Nash’s production company, Meathawk, and it is called “The Six-Million Dollar Man,” starring Steve Nash himself and two of his colleagues. It runs for about 90 minutes. In this film, Nash wears Trash Talk shoes which he has been wearing since February. This pair of shoes is based on the Zoom shoe that has been already worn by him, and it is made from manufacturing wastes. He is in a game and lands hard on the floor. As soon as he lands, he is broken into millions of pieces and scientists rebuild him into the world’s first recycled man, much stronger than before. He and Nike came up with this idea to convey a message on recycling, coinciding with the Earth Day.
I think this idea of making a film conveying an environmental message is a good way to promote eco-friendly image. Nash has been wearing Nike’s Trash Talk shoes, and this gives an impression that Nike cares about the environment and is putting every effort about recycles. Nike is a world famous brand. Through this film-making, it has showed that making good sports instruments is not the sole goal of the firm, but also taking part in issues that many people worry about nowadays, like environment. This would clearly input a strong message on people’s minds that Nike is a warm-hearted firm that makes the best sports equipments and cares about the future of the earth. Just like the video clip that we watched yesterday during the class, Nike is trying hard to be the world’s renowned sports good manufacturing firm and this would surely be well known throughout the world. Moreover, Steve Nash himself will also give a good impression on people that not only he just a basketball player, but also an ambassador of environmental issues. This would surely intrigue people into knowing him more, coming to the games that would benefit NBA and eventually wear Trash Talk shoes.
Student ID#: 20400542 - Entry# 8

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