Friday, June 13, 2008

Human-centered Management Philosophy

LG cellular phone has been positioned 2nd after Sony-Ericson in satisfactory survey conducted in the US. According to survey conducting firm JD Power, the satisfactory point of LG Electronics was 721 out of 1000 in 2006 American cellular phone survey. 1st place Sony Ericson had 740 points, Samsung Electronics 706 and Motorola and Sanyo, Kyosera 705 and 701 respectively. Nokia, the world’s best selling cell-phone maker, gained 699 points, making the last of 7 on the list.
18,000 people participated in this survey across the United States and evaluated on design, LG Electronics gained its motivation through this survey so it has started to take 21% of the cell phone market, almost catching up Motorola (25.1%) and Samsung (22.1%). LG’ was 15.2% in the 4th quarter of last year. Meanwhile, LG’s new product “Secret Phone”, aimed to target the premium cell phone market, was disclosed in Europe last month, and followed by Brazil, Mexico and Central America.
LG’s has had a good strategy in targeting the sentiment of the people. Instead of showing the only technology part, they have well combined both technology and the design. Different from past where only technology was focused, they have added the design to give a warm image. It was able to be a market leader because instead of just being superior in technlology, they have a basis of sentimental marketing where various analysis and innovation took place. I think that LG’s customer centered marketing and management has enlightened, thus making it different from other firms’ ones.

Source :, LG's cell phone march goes on, By Lee Sunyoung, June 12 2008

Student # : 20300489_Entry14

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