Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hyundai Motor Targets Russia's Middle Class

Hyundai Motor Co. is looking to consolidate in the Russian car market. The company became one of the country's largest carmakers when they first exporting to Russia in 1990. In these days, the company has the second largest market share among foreign carmakers after Chevrolet and third largest market share among all carmakers. According to Dmitry Sergeev, who is the director of the Rolf Altufijevo dealership in Moscow, Russians wanted cheaper Russian cars like the Lada in the past, but Hyundai cars are becoming popular since more people joining the middle class. He also said, Hyundai is still considered as cheaper brand but the brand image is improving with the launch of vehicles like the Tucson in recent years. Hyundai is planning to have a factory in St. Petersburg because it will help raise sales. However, there is a problem. The main problem is insufficient supply in Russia. Some of the popular models need one month to be delivered and if including special options need more than three months. The company believes this problem will be solving after built the factory in St. Petersburg.

We talked about how important to have right targets in marketing. It is because everything will be different depending on targets. Hyundai Motor targets middle class and I think it is right decisions because of the image of Hyundai Motor. It is not much expensive as other foreign cars like Lexus but also not cheap as Russian cars. Since the middle class in Russia is a huge market, they have to use wisely. The first thing they have to do is to have strong supply in Russia. The relationships between supply and customers are very important and it affect to the sales directly. They have move quickly to solve this problem.
Hyundai Motor Targets Russia's Middle Class
by By Choi He-suk
The Korea Herald
20600225_ Entry 13

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