Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wal-Mart, Your Friendly Drugstore

Go for Need
Health-care industry is expected to be increased in the U.S because for the estimated 80 million baby boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964. According to the Census Bureau, 300 people in America turn 60 every hour, the average cost for the aged 55 to 64 was spent $3262. This cost climbs 20% per year for over 65.
Wal-Mart saw this chance and they have started to sell the health-care products for the cheapest price. They also offer walk-in clinics for minor ailments such as a cold or a cough for cheap price. They expect to change their image from a junk store to a life save store for the cheapest price. Wal-Mart also started to offer the health benefits plans for their employees not only to change their image but also make more attractive place to work and reduces employee turnover.
The results of starting the health-care business is that the health and wellness products was about 9% of overall revenues in the 12 months ended Jan. 31, 2008.

I think that Wal-Mart saw the great chance to increase their profit. Since aging is going in the U.S, it is easy to expect that the health-care product industry will be increased. The health-care products are not only help for their profit, but also it will help to change their image. The health-care products are for better life, so buy proving them will help change their image as junk store to the store that provide for better life and really helpful for people.
Source: Pallavi Gogoi, ‘Wal-Mart, Your Friendly Drugstore’, Businessweek, June 5, 2008
Student#: 20400152 - Entry13

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