Saturday, April 19, 2008

Color Mareting

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is 'Blue'. I wear blue jeans and blue shoes almost everyday. My favourite hat's color is also blue. One third of my clothes' colors are blue types. Whenever, I see blue, I feel that I’m being calm and clean. I feel comfortable with blue. I believe that most people have their own favourite colors. Companies also have their own colors. Whenever we image companies, we are able to image color first easily. For examples, Coca Cola's color is red. Samsung's color is blue, and so on. Companies use colors in order to be remembered by consumers. However, some companies give up their own colors to get more consumers.

Catch the one of biggest market 'China' with color
China has 1.4 billion populations. Therefore, many global companies try hard to catch Chinese. One way to catch Chinese is changing companies’ own colors to red. Pepsi’s color was blue but they change their can products’ color as red in China. Chocó pie, one of the favorite pie in Korea, also changed their color blue to red in China. Cham-e-sle, the first soju brand in Korea, changed their color green to red in China.
Chinese love red color. Red is usually used by companies to stimulate consumption in product. A study shows that red stimulates consumption. However, there is more meaning for Chinese. Red means 'best luck' for Chinese. They believe red is their color. Therefore, they feel special or comfortable whenever they buy or see red products.
Chocó pie resulted in increasing sales 35% and 65% in Beijing and Shanghai in each. This proved that color marketing is effective.

Source: '색깔있는 유혹...14억 잡는 '컬러 변신'바람', 중앙일보

Student #: 20400152 - Entry 7

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