Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tata Unveils the World's Cheapest Car

Recently, Tata Motor Company, an Indian-based automotive firm, unveiled the world’s cheapest car Nano. This vehicle costs 2,500 US dollars. It hasn’t been out yet, but it is speculated that this world’s cheapest car would be a big hit not only in India, but also around the world. Rantan Tata, the chairman of the company, had a dream of making the smallest and the cheapest car so that it would be easy for the people of India to travel on small and congested roads. Many car analysts claimed that Tata’s dream of creating the world’s cheapest car will draw a new picture of India on the global map. It has surely introduced not only Tata Company and Nano, but also the image of India to the world that the country has the ability to create a new phase of the vehicle by designing the smallest and the cheapest car in just several years that took 30 years for the Japanese. The dealers of the Nano had to turn off their cell phones due to the tremendous calls of orders.

I think that Rantan Tata has come up with a creative, innovative and bold idea. It is not easy to manufacture a 2,500-worth car due to the continuous price rise of raw materials, such as steel and rubber. However, he overcame and fulfilled his dream. Not only he has fulfilled his dream, but also has kept a promise of making a 2,500-worth car. Moreover, I think that the introduction of Nano would also enhance the image of India and her firms. Before reading this article, I haven’t even heard of Tata or Nano. But, after reading this article, I realized that the underdeveloped India has the ability to create such cars and a creative, innovative and audacious leader to surprise the world. Before, I only knew India as a country with many intelligent people, but does not have the technology and ability to produce products that would surprise the world. My perspective of India has changed drastically. The introduction of Nano is a dream-come-true for the Tata and a strong improvement of the image of Indian firms in the world stage.


Student ID#: 20400542 - Entry #4

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